현재 위치 - 회사기업대전 - 중국 기업 정보 - 영화 이름 찾기, 아마도 미국

영화 이름 찾기, 아마도 미국

호용 7 개 드래곤 카탈로그 [숨김 ]

기본 정보

배우 표

제작 출시

중국어 제목


영어 제목



영화 길이

128 min



Australia: pg Canada: g Argentina: 13 Australia: m Finland: k-16 Sweden >


1960 년 3 월 1 일-1960 년 4 월

[ 이 단락 편집] 출연자 표

감독 <

교본 참음 shinobu Hashimoto ..... (screen play "shichinin no samurai") uncredited amp;

소국 영웅 비디오 오그 uni ......... (화면 재생 "shichinin no samurai") uncredited

William robed

월터 번스타인 월터 번스타인 베르nstein ..... uncredited and

Walter Newman ..... uncredited

에리 발라흐eli wallach ..... calvera

스티브 맥퀸 Steve McQueen ..... vin

bradda P >

Charles Bronson ..... Bernardo o o' Reilly

로버트 워인 Robert vaughn ..... lee

rosenda monteros ..... Petra

Vladimir sokoloff ..... oldman

Jorge man

Rico alaniz ..... so tero


natividad vac í o ..... to MAS <

존 a. 알론소 존 a. 알론조 ..... 미구엘 (as John alon so)


wiguel P >

Lou mor heim ..... associate producer

John sturges ..... producer

[이 단락 편집]

제작 처리 방법

panavision (anamorphic)

인쇄 형식

35mm <

The Mirisch Corporation [미국 ]


유나이티드 영화사 United Artists [미국] ..... ( P >

mgmhome entertainment (Europe) ltd. [영국] ..... (2001) (uk) (DVD) (special edition) (Germany) (DVD)

미고메 홈 엔터테인먼트 회사 MGM Home Entertainment [프랑스] ..... (2000) (France) (VHS) < (USA) (DVD) (special edition)

미고메이 유나이티드 홈 엔터테인먼트 MGM/UA Home Entertainment [미국] ..... (USA) (UK) (VHS)

United Artists [독일] ..... (1961) (서부 Germany) (theatrical)


워너홈 vidé o [프랑스] ..... (1997) (France) (VHS)


1961 년 2 월 17 일



1961 년 2 월 17 일


1961 년 5 월 3 일



1961 년 6 월 26 일


2001 년 12 월 19 일 ...... (DVD 프리미어)

[이 단락 편집] 줄거리 소개

< P > < P > 한 무리의 강도들이 매년 멕시코의 작은 마을을 괴롭힌다. 마을의 연장자들은 무예가 높은 총잡이를 찾아 마을을 지키기 위해 농부 세 명을 미국으로 보냈다. 마지막 * * * 7 명의 고수가 왔는데, 그들이 멕시코에 간 이유는 사람마다 다르다. 그들 사람은 단력이 약하여 약탈하러 온 40 여 명의 강도를 상대해야 한다. 한바탕 격전을 벌여 마침내 도둑을 섬멸했지만, 7 명 중 4 명도 꺾어 사람을 슬프게 했다.

[ 이 단락 편집] 멋진 대화

lee: yes.the final supreme idiocy.coming here to hide.the deses P >

vin: we deal in lead, my friend.

chico: but who made us the way we are, huh? Men with guns. Men like Calvera, And men like you ... and now me.

Britt: nobody throws me my own guns and says run.nobody.

calvera: if god hadn't meant for them to be sheared, he wouldn't have made them sheep.

We know how to plant and grow, we don't know how to kill.

old man: then learn, or die!

chamlee: I'm sorry, friend, but there' ll be no funeral.

Henry: what

cham lee: oh, the grave is dug and the defunct there is as ready as the embalmers ought to make him.but there'; Didn't I pay enough?

cham lee: it's not a question of money. for twenty dollars, I'd plant anybody with a hoop and a holler.but the funeral is off.

Henry: now how do you like that.i want You want him buried and if he could sit up and talk, He' d second the motion.now that's as unanimous as you can get.

cham lee: there's an element in tower Objects to what?

cham lee: they say he isn't fit to be buried there.

Robert: what? In Boot Hill?

Henry: Why, there's nothing up there but murderous cut throats and derelict old bar flies, and if they ever felt exclusive brother They' repast it now.

cham lee: I don't like it, no sir.i' ve always treated every man the same' Future customer.

Henry: well in that case, get that hearse rolling.

cham lee:

로버트: he's prejudiced too, huh?

chamlee: well, when it comes to a chance of getting his head blown off, he's down right bigoted.

vin: you elected?

Chris: na.i got nominated real good.

Chris: six men 용 작업, a vatching over

Chris: thirty guns.

o' Reilly: I admire your notion of fair odds, mister .. I was aiming at the horse.

[Reilly is teaching the villagers how to shoot.]

o 'reilly Hm? Just like when you're milking a goat, Miguel.

Miguel: it's then I get excited!

o 'reilly: well don't get excited! Now this time squeeze. Slowly, but squeeze. All right now, squeeze. *Squeeze*! I'll tell you what.don't shoot the gun.take the gun like this,

And use it like a club!

oldman: they are all farmers.farmers talk of nothing but fertilizer and women.i've never shared their enthusian , I became indifferent when I was eighty-three.

vin: reminds me of that fellow back home that fell off a ten ston

vin: well, as he was falling people on each floor kept hearing him say, "So far, so good ..." tch ...

village boy 1: if you get killed, We take the rifle and avenge you ..

village boy 2: and we see to it there's always fresh flowers on your grave. < P >

o' Reilly: that's a mighty big comfort.

village boy 2: I told you he'll apprecial

o 'reilly: well, now don't you kids be too disappointed if your plans don't work out.

We' ll be just as happy ..

village boy 2: maybe even happier.

village boy 1: maybe P >

calvera: what I don't understand is why a man like you took the job in the first place, hum? Why, 허?

크리스: I wonder myself.

cal vera: no, come on, tell me why.

He just took all his clothes off and jumped in a mess of cactus.i asked him that same question, "Why?"


A: and?

vin: he said, "it seemed like a good idea at the time"

village boy 2: we' re ashamed to live here.our fathers are cowar P >

o 'reilly: don't you ever say that again about your fathers, because they are not cowards.you think I am brave Well, your fathers are much braver because they carry respons ibility, for you, your brothers, your sisters, And your mothers.and this respons ibility is like a big rock that weighs a ton.it bends and it twists them until finally it buries them under ther Und.and there's nobody says they have to do this.they do it because they love you, And because they want to. I have never had this kind of courage.running a farm, Working like a mule every day with no guarantee anything will ever come of it.this is bravery ..

[the village cal very

calvera: new wall.

Chris: lots of new walls, all around.

Chris: they were built to keep you in.

Chris: the old man was right.only the farmers P >

calvera: I should have guessed.when my men didn't comeback I should have guessed.how many of you did they hire?

크리스: enough!

cal vera: [dying] you came back, to a place like this? Why?

[villagers tell Chris they collected everything of value

In their village to hire gunmen]

Chris ADAMS: I have been paid a lot for my work, But never everything.

Chris: you forget one thing.we took a contract.

vin: IP P >

Chris: that's just the kind you've got to keep.

cal vera: generosity, that was MAS And then they hire these men to make trouble.shows you, sooner or later, you must answer for every good deed. "

I could kill you all. You agree?

[dead silence.]

cal vera: well, you don't disagree!

크리스: go find the women.

chico: nah, what for? Let Calvera find them, He' ll know what to do with them.

Chris: if cal vera comes riding in with no idea of the reception we've prepart

[referring to britt.]

villager: if he's the best with the gun and the knife, ww

Chris: himself.

h ilario: the feeling I felt in my chest this morning, when I saw caw

vin: not for a long, long time.i envy you.

h ilario: we'll fight with clubs


Chris: there's no need to apologize.we weren't expecting flowers and speeches.

calvera: last month we were in San juan.rich town.sit down.rich town, much blessed by god.big church. Priest comes twice a year.big one.you'd think we'd find gold candlesticks.poor box filled to overflow ing.do you know whing Brass candlesticks.almost nothing in the poorbox.

sidekick: but wetook it anyway.

calvera: I know we took it anyway.i' m trying to show him how little religion some people now have.

Henry: this man needs to be buried.and soon.he's not turning into any nose gay.

Henry: well I'll be damned.i never knew you had to be anything but a corpse to get into boot hill.how long's thiis

chamlee: since the town got civilized.

h ilario: very young, and very proud .. The graveyards are full of boys who were very young, And very proud ..

Chris: hello there.i'm a friend of Harry luck 's.he told me you were broke. < P >

o 'reilly: nah.i'm doing this because I'm an eccentric millionaire.

vin:; You must be living in style ..

lee: yes ... I have the most stylish corner of the filthy store room out back.that and one plate of beans.ten dollarars

For a church social.

Chris: nah leave him alone.it's a free country.

o 'ri P >

vin: you know-I' ve been in some towns where the girls weren't all that pretty.in fact I' ve been in some towns Ut it's the first time I've been in a town where there are no girls at all, Cept little ones.you know if we' re not careful we could have quite a social life here.

chico: they'; Their families told them we would rape them.

Chris: well we might.but in my opinion you might have given us the benefit of the dou bt.but just as you please ...

oldman: at my age, a little excitement is welcome.don't worry.why would he kill me? Bullets cost money.

cal vera: somehow I don't think you've solved my problem.

[ 본단 편집] 막후에서 제작

이 영화의 사운드트랙은 이미 고전이 됐고, 당시 명성이 낮았던 배우를 기용하는 것이 특징이다. 이후 잇따라 대스타가 됐다. 1998 년 리메이크. 본 영화 * * * 는 1966 년' 호용칠룡속편' (Return of the Seven, 항역' 7 다트객'), 1969 년' 황야 7 다트객' (guns of the magnn) 의 3 편의 속편이 있다

[ 이 단락 편집] 멋진 영화 리뷰

▲' 호용칠용' 미합중국 7 명

1,' 칠무사' 에서 각색했다. 리듬 방면은 할리우드의 개량을 거쳐 줄거리 우여곡절이 크게 향상되었고 내용도 가장 멋진 부분을 선택했다. 배우들은 대부분 낯익은 얼굴로 일본의 7 명보다 훨씬 잘 안다. 영화 관람효과는' 칠무사' 보다 더 상쾌하다.

2,' 칠무사' 의 마지막 장면을 잊을 수 없다. 3 인 4 묘는 비장한 반전의 의미를 보여준다. 그러나, 모든 도둑의 죽음의 방법은, 너무 세심 하 게 설명, 흑택명은 여전히 폭력의 아름다움에 대 한 자신의 사랑을 숨길 수 없다, 이는 그가 표현 하 고 싶은 인도 주의적 테마와는 분리 됩니다.

' 호용 칠용' 의 의도는 비교적 간단하다. 처음은 호정 포부로 시작하며, 마지막은 선정을 위해 죽은 사람은 흑택명만큼 많지만 호탕함은 여전히 줄어들지 않는다. 극중 깊이 파낸 감정은' 칠무사' 보다 각 구체적 인물 위에 더욱 구현되어 전반적으로 향수와 방랑 속에서 끊임없이 흔들리는' 탕자의 감정' 이다.

3, 입의의 차이는 문화적 배경의 구현이다.

흑택명의 칠무사, 영웅의 초라한 의미, 시대변천, 무사도 정신의 몰락과 불가분의 관계에 있다. 마지막까지' 어디로 가야 한다' 는 문제를 해결하지 못했다. 미합중국의 사나이는 마음이 그렇게 촘촘하지도 않고, 자신의 삶의 의미에 대해 그렇게 깊은 반성을 할 필요도 없다. 단지 강한 출세일 뿐, 때릴 수 있는 것은 사나이이다. 그래서 기세는 오히려 흑택명보다 더 멋있다.

4 대사의 가치는 후세 사람들에게 끊임없이 귀감, 리메이크, 재해석에 있다. 요즘 애니메이션에도' 칠무사' 촬영이 있어요. 객관적으로,' 호용칠용' 은 여전히 괜찮은 개편판이다.

[ 이 단락 편집] 같은 이름의 음악

곡명: 호용 7 개 드래곤

작성자: 번스타인

유형 >

copyright 2024회사기업대전