hayao miyazaki is a Japanese animation artist and animation director , He is a synthesizer of Japan traditional animation style.the works he directed are given countless praises and fully affirmed.the colorfud Vivid and moving story, be loved characters modeling, and unfettered freedom of imagination, fascinated magic world, And positive spirit are organically unified, resulting in a "hayao miyazaki world". among them, the unique audio-visual ll Rich and resonant aesthetic elements, And profound theme and the romantic feelings of humanism in hayao miyazaki's works are particularly to be worth learning for every animation works Hayao miyazaki's animation works are characterized by the active exploration and deep thinking on life, nature, and human nature under Natural and pure emotional atmosphere.in the animation industry, the artistic achievements of hayao miyazaki's animation works are And reflect his deep attainments.his achievements are inspired by Chine as animation.
키워드: 미야자키 하야오; 캐릭터 모델링 인문정신 인간과 자연
Key words: Hayao miyazaki; Characters modeling; Humanistic spirit; Human and nature