임대 계약
No. 번호: DATE 날짜:
lessor (hereafter referred to as "the lessor 번호: 인텔 전화: Mail Add 주소.:
lessee: (hereafter referred to as "the lessee") 임차인 (이하 을측):
id 번호: 인텔 전화: Mail Add 주소:
this lease has been mutual agreed and set up by the lessor and the lessee complying with the lease or rent control He people's Republic of China and related regulations provided by the Tianjin government.
중화인민공화국 * * * 및 국가임대계약법' 에 따라 갑을 양측이 있다 내용은 다음과 같습니다.
1: the property to be leased is described as 임대 재산: Location 위치: Area 면적:
2: rental fees 임대:
대문자: 만 천 백 위안 전체 를 선택합니다.
2.2: rental should be payable on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ month base in advance.the first rental shall be paid befood 수신비 within the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day of each succeeding months term.
임대료는 한 달에 한 번 지급됩니다. 구체적인 지급일: 전지불, 갑측이 접수한 것이 우선이다.
2.3: any delayed of the rental shall be charged .2% of the monthly rental day by day as a penalty.delayed payment more than 7 Dan Ed as a breach of the contract, the lessor shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to the lessee, And the lessee shall bear all the responsibilities caused by such breach
2.4: rental is to be paid in cash in RMB yuan. the lessor will make out receipt. 임대료는 인민폐로 지불하고 a 국은 영수증을 발급한다.
3: 보증금 deposit:
3.1: at the time of signing of the contract, a deposit of months' equivalent rental RMB _ 이 보증금은 주택 대금을 상쇄해서는 안 된다.
3.2: the deposit shall be refundable after its expiration or early termination (same currency and with no interest thereupon) Providing all furnishings, contents and rental property are not subject to any loss of unusual damage, and all the various bills have been duo
4: 임대 기간 leaseterm:
4.1: from the date _ _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to _ One month rent is due to lessor, even if over say is less than one month.
을측은 이 방을 1 개월, 즉 연월일부터 연월일까지로 임대했다. 이 임대 기간을 초과하면 한 달도 채 안 되어 한 달로 계산한다.
4.2: no early termination either by the lessor or by the lessee is allowed during the lease period, otherwise, One month rental penalty for such early termination shall be paid to the counter party.
임대 계약 기간 동안 갑을 양측이 상대방의 동의 없이 중도에 계약을 해지한 경우 한 달 동안 집세를 위약금으로 지불해야 한다
4.3: at its expiration, with a must of 3 days prior written notice to the lessor, The lessee retains his priority to renew this lease.the lessor shall also inform the lessee 3 days in advance whether the rental will be adjusted The occupants decide not to renew lease within the lessee's term, the lessee shall give a prior written notice to the lessor .. 본 계약이 만료되면 갑도 3 일 전에 을측에 임대료를 변경할지 여부를 통지해야 한다.
4.4: if force majeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, non-man-made fire, government order etc The lessee and the lessor should be free of duty.
홍수, 지진, 정부 철거, 징용 등 불가항력의 원인으로 양측은 계약을 중단해야 했고, 양측은 위약 책임을 지지 않고 실제 일수에 따라 집세를 계산했다.
4.5: in case that the property ownership is transferred during the lease, The lessee has the right to continue to use the said premises according to the contract without any disturbance from the lessor or any the third party . < P > 임대 기간 동안 갑의 주택 소유권이 이전되고 을측은 본 계약의 권리와 의무를 계속 주장할 권리가 있으며, 갑측과 제 3 자는 을측의 권리와 의무를 훼손해서는 안 된다.
5: leaseterm 임대 조건:
5.1: these premises are limited of residential use only by the lessee, And are prohibited from registering as legal address for any company or agency, or using as public office. b 측은 이 집을 회사 또는 대표 사무소의 등록 주소로 사용할 수 없습니다.
5.2: the lessee shall not carry in the premises any unlawful of illegal activities which are not allowed according to China laws and the Ul ations of the government.otherwise, the lessor shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to the lessee.
5.3: the lessee shall not partly or totally sublet, sell, lend, mortgage, exchange, Exchange the said premises or use it so as to raise any joint-venture or become a certain shareholder without the written permission from the lession Otherwise, The lessor can termin ate the contract and confiscate the deposit.the lessee and the third party shall return the property un conditionally to the Or. the lessee shall bear all the responsibilities caused herefrom 을 측과 제 3 자는 무조건 임대 주택을 반납해야 하며, 을 측이 일체의 위약 책임을 져야 한다.
5.4: the lessee should pay in time the water, gas, electricity, heating fee, the tel-bills, TV receiving. Managing fee and the lease related invoice taxes on actual user basis.delayed payment more than 15 days shall be regarded as a breach of the contrach , the lessor shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to the lessee, and the lessee