중점 어휘 해석
go to
가 ...; 애를 쓰다 돈을 쓰다 도움을 청하다
1. why did our moving van even go to Texas?
왜 우리 이삿짐 트럭이 텍사스로 갔습니까?
2.I laughed. "OK, Richard, that' ll do.now you can go back to Texas. "
< p 이제 텍사스로 돌아갈 수 있습니다. 클릭합니다3. he asked his friend to go to Texas to negotiate peace with the comanche Indians.
그는 그의 친구를 텍사스와
4.Then, Virginia decided to change the method, and I had to go Texas to learn how to execute by lethal injection
5. I' ll go down to Texas and handle it.
나는 텍사스에 가서 이 일을 해결할 것이다.
6. gore's narrow loss in Florida eight years go to then Texas governor George bush cost him the presidential election
7. should be easy killing them, if they don't go on down to Texas.
Texas 에 먼저 가지 않으면