for a word that is used so often in English
< p λ α?"black") 및 khole (χλ λ?
as it was once believed that when you are feeling gloomy and melancholic
< 그것은 그리스어 멜라스 ("검은색") 와 khole ("분노") 에서 유래했다. 슬프거나 슬퍼할 때, 당신의 마음속에는 너무 많은 검은 분노가 생긴다고 한다. (윌리엄 셰익스피어, 햄릿, 행복명언)c
music means art of the muses P >
the muses being nine goddesses who presided over the arts and the sciences.a museum was originally a shrine for the muses. < 박물관은 처음에 뮤즈 여신의 신전으로 시작되었다.
issi ***
narcissi * * * es from the ancient Greek mythook P >
a young man who fell in love with himself when he saw his reflection in a lake.a nymph
who fell passionana P >
withered away into nothingness when he ignored her and the only thing that was left of her was her voice.her name was echo. < 그의 외면으로 그를 깊이 사랑하는 선녀가 허무로 변해 목소리만 남았다. 그녀의 이름이 바로 메아리이다.
the word panic es from the name of ancient Greek goat-god pan <
another word that means terror P >
a phobia is an irrational fear and there are many strange phobias today which derive from Greek.
라는 단어도 두려움을 의미한다
PLA es from the Greek verb plano mai (π α ν ν? μ α ι) which means to wander.to the ancient Greeks
plas were wandering stars.
PLA 라는 단어
a ***
sarca * * * es from the word sarx (σ ρ ξ) and it describes the act of stripping off someone's flesh
metaphorical ly at least
18. Schizophrenia
from the Greek words schi zein (σ χ? ο ε ν ν
"to split") 및 phren (φ ρ ν ν
Tele+ 단어
words that start with tele denote distance.a. P >
a telescope gives you the ability to see in the distance
a telegraph enables you to write from a distance > 전화는 먼 곳에서 온 소리를 전달하는데, 망원경은 너에게 초거리를 똑똑히 볼 수 있는 능력을 주며, 전보는 네가 먼 곳에서 타자를 칠 수 있게 해 준다. (조지 버나드 쇼, 전화명언)
thespian is a fancy word for actor
espian P >
but the name es after the spis himself P >
a 6th century b.c. ancient Greek poet who was said to be the first person to ever appear on a stage as an actor.
그는 처음으로 배우로 무대에 오른 사람이라고 한다.